MyWeku Gardens: The New Kitchen Structure
The building had been built a few years ago as an office (in the loft) and a space for a flower shop/business. This “lucky” building had now become pivotal to MyWeku Gardens restaurant. In the original plan it was meant to have been pulled down but had now received a new lease of life or […]
MyWeku Gardens: Making the signage
It has been a few months since the signage was designed. The next obvious step is to now procure the services of a signage maker to make it all a reality. A few days were spent scouring the internet for signage makers, a task that was as productive as it was frustrating. 3D signs don’t come […]
Building the MyWeku Gardens wood fired Brick Oven
Call it what you may (brick, clay or masonry oven), nothing screams earthy and natural as a wood fired oven does. The hunt to find a skilled artisan to build our custom brick oven began in earnest 6 months ago. Several leads to get an expert oven builder led to nothing. Even a trip to […]