MyWeku Gardens: Turning the grounds into a rustic piece of hardscaping art

Landscaping was the genesis of this project. It made sense to get that started so come project completion time the plantings would look as luxurious and established as they are meant to be. The initial landscaping, however, revolved around softscape – plantings in the various beds.

Hardscape, however, is as essential to the outdoor of MyWeku Gardens or indeed any restaurant as softscape. We have tried to stay true to the dominant theme of using only natural rustic materials, mainly wood and stone cladding.

This week the ideas of using stone cladding flooring in both the pergola (flooring and short walls) and the grounds began to be put into reality. Sourcing the stones, especially quality ones, has been a challenge. We are hoping this natural stone cladded look will complement the softscape garden by adding balance and focus.

In addition to the natural stone look a large swathe of the grounds will be covered in gravel. Low maintenance compared to grass but comes with a high visual impact. The other reason for the gravel in this section is that gravel works pretty well in spots where plants don’t thrive or spots with drainage problems. Our gravel designated section comes with both of these problems.

MyWeku Gardens, ofcourse will develop its own personality which may or may not be apparent now. What I do know, however, is that it will be born with an exterior that will shape that personality. A personality that exudes confidence in its own natural African environment and shows off its rustic and natural existence unapologetically.


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