MyWeku Gardens: Designing Signage
There are probably very few countries with as many advertisement signs as Ghana. They are everywhere. Part of me thinks that’s because it is simply what works and gets your product or service out there in the consciousness of potential buyers. Beyond that I also believe that for a restaurant, in the dark street-light […]
MyWeku Gardens: The Logo redesign
In 2009 the original MyWeku logo was designed. The logo which featured the African continent depicted our area of interest. The logo was designed to be used mainly on our online blog. Fast forward to 2016 and the vision to promote African culture through writing has now metamorphosed into a commercial entity that celebrates African […]
MyWeku Gardens: Turning the grounds into a rustic piece of hardscaping art

Landscaping was the genesis of this project. It made sense to get that started so come project completion time the plantings would look as luxurious and established as they are meant to be. The initial landscaping, however, revolved around softscape – plantings in the various beds. Hardscape, however, is as essential to the outdoor of MyWeku […]